"She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning against the railing, holding the universe together". JD Salinger "A Girl Knew"
- TEDtalks "The Puzzle of Motivation"
- entry #49 recall a favorite line from a book/song/poem/movie and explain why it is so great. Why do you remember this line?
- entry #50 What motivates you?
- begin new unit Memoir Persepolis/Night
"To place yourself on the page is in part self-discovery, part self-creation" from "Good Prose: The Art of Non-fiction"
- entry #51 write about an eye-opening experience, a time when you shifted your opinion entirely about something.
- terms and vocabulary for Persepolis
- current event Iran
- essential question carousel
- entry #52 recall a very specific moment in your life and write a half page dialogue recalling that moment.
- Youtube "A History of Iran and America in 10 minutes"
- George Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech 2002
- read "The Secret Garden" by Azadeh Moaveni page 167 Holt
- questions after story
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