Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Daily Entries....

First Quarter Journal Entries

  •  Entry #1 If I didn’t care what people thought I would…
  • Entry #2 “Music is the language of the spirit” - Kahil Gibran, watch Madihi Bhati’s Mu(sick) video and respond
  • Entry #3 What is culture?
  •  Entry #4 word bomb supermoon/coffee/wave/book cover/orange
  • Entry #5 What is the role of literature in culture?
  • Entry #6 What do you remember of this day (9/11) 13 years ago? Or what stories have you been told?
  • Entry #7 As the moon…
  • Entry #8 What is your favorite story? What is the stories theme?
  • Entry# 9 What is a reoccurring theme in your life?
  •  Entry #10 If your life were a song what would it be called?
  • Entry# 11 where does your road lead you?
  • Entry#12 What does it mean to lead a good life?
  • Entry#13 How do we find meaning in life?
  • Entry #14 What elements of magical realism do you see in the photo’s throughout the story?
  • Entry #15 (word bomb) As the tide crashed against the rocks .../blue chevy/popcorn/dream/tethered
  • Entry #16 choose a line from the Sam Shepard material presented in class, and respond in an original entry (piece inspired by quote)
  • Entry #17 Shapes like stars...
  • Entry #18 What is the Baker's dream? How would you compare his dream with most of society? Explain...
  • Entry #19 "The secret of happiness is to see the marvels of the world, and never forget the drops of oil on the spoon" P.34 Explain this philosophy
  • Entry #20 Where have you always wanted to travel to, why?
  • Entry #21 and Entry #22 Metaphorical Journey's 
  • Entry #23 Write about a dream you had that wasn't realistic at all - and had moments of magic in it.
  • Entry #24 Define alchemy.
  • Entry #25 List some essential qualities about Santiago. What defines him? What is important to him?
  • Entry #26 List some essential qualities about your self. What defines you? What is important to you?
  • Entry #27 Mandala (Sanskrit means circle) is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism representing the Universe.

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